Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Four Words Create Your Success

Your Success begins with a positive ATTITUDE.
I will repeat that!
Your Success begins with a positive ATTITUDE.
That's the good news. Here is the 'other' news.
A negative ATTITUDE creates failure.
Do you get down on yourself--judging, comparing, criticizing, etc.--then your confidence drops, and you feel stuck or defeated--unable to effect what you desire.
Are your thoughts negative and you talk yourself out of things you know you deserve?
Our thoughts, imagination, and our behaviors determine our present and our future.
In my coaching practice, many people come to me because they want to start or have started a business. The major reason people fail to get a business off the ground or grow their business is because, they focus on the 'strategies' of that industry, not on the engine that drives the business--THEMSELVES.
All the strategies about how to build a business are meaningless, if your attitude, thoughts and self image prevent your success.
That point is very important.
The fastest way to change your world--business or personal--is to change yourself first.
That is a Universal Law, which does not change no matter how much you pretend, argue or contradict it.
The four words you need to believe and affirm in your attitude will propel you into your success without fail. The words are: 'IT CAN BE DONE.'
The precursor of IT CAN BE DONE is: 'I CAN and I WILL.'
Create and hang onto that fire of energy, that burning DESIRE that runs deep inside you will move you to achieve your highest desires.
Begin right now to approach each task, idea or challenge with the four words: 'IT CAN BE DONE.' You will see astonishing results. Remember the saying--"If you think you can you can. If you think you can't you're right." Author unknown
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