Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crafty? How to Make Crafts at Home and Get Paid

How would you like to make a living doing what you love to do. If you love to be crafty, you can make crafts at home and get paid. It just takes a bit of imagination and some marketing, and you should be able to turn out some great ideas and get paid for them.
Here are a few crafty ways to make money out of your hobby.
1. Selling of Cards
If you love scrap booking or card making, why not make beautiful personalized cards that you can either sell yourself or get a retailer to sell for you. You can use all your scraps to make cards, and with some imagination you will be able to come up with a lot of unique creations at a very low cost to yourself.
Because shop bought cards are so expensive nowadays, you could probably still do quite well by charging half of what they do.
2. Making Jewelery
If you are good a bead work, why not try your hand at designing some unique works of art? You could even keep a selection of beads handy and let your clients choose the beads that they would like you to use on their unique piece of jewelery.
3. Decoupage
If you enjoy decoupage, you can go mad. There are plenty of beautiful things you can make here like dustbins, wine box holders, jewelery boxes and lamp stands. Why not take orders to tone in with your client's decor. There are a lot of people who would like to make something like this for their home, but simply don't have the knowledge or the time.
4. Mosaic
This is another craft that knows no limits. Here you could make personalized vases, coasters, ash trays or even frame a mirror. If you get good at doing mosaic, you will have many people ordering from you in no time at all.
5. Scrap Booking
This is my personal favorite. Why not offer your services to sort out peoples photographs and make a scrapbook of all their memories. Lots of people have boxes of photo's lying about with good intentions, but never quite get around to sorting them out. This will be a time consuming job, but it could also be a lot of fun to do for you if you love scrap booking.
If your client has a lot of photo's on his computer, you could digitally scrapbook them. This will be a far quicker option, and if you print out a glossy magazine with all the photo's inside, your client will love it.
So if you are a crafty person, and you need some extra cash, what are you waiting for. Get those imaginative juices to flow and see just what you can do to change your circumstances. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5914381


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