Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dinner Parties Made Simple - Is it Even Possible?

Hosting a dinner party of any kind can often become a very daunting task given our less than healthy current economic conditions not to mention a possibility of being misinformed as to which are the right dinner party planning questions to ask. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. With the Holidays right around the corner and all those unfortunate stress related situations; who has the free time to plan and give a holiday party let alone a formal dinner project. The harsh reality is that only a select few individuals have ample time to throw a Gayla event of this magnitude. The heartfelt truth is that we all desire to provide this warm environment to our family and friends this time of year.
Have no fear my friends you to can successfully host the perfect diner party by following a very basic ten step process that has proven effective regardless of the occasion. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, the boss and his wife are coming over, a family gathering in the backyard, and lets not forget the romantic occasions often deflated by a restaurant setting and no personal flavor. We strongly suggest you do it at home, do it yourself, do it right with a process that lets you create, be unique and above all be successful with a small grocery bill and NO LARGE CHECK BEFORE LEAVING SOMEONE'S DINING ESTABLISHMENT.
Whether it is your first dinner party or something you dread because of the time commitments previously required for success, this information will help ease your pain and fear. There is a very basic ten step list primarily directed to the "first timer" that MUST be completed in the correct order. This list should be used as a guide for anyone hosting a dinner party or any informal gathering as it allows a time table, less stress and genuine "knowingness" that you will accomplish the required tasks at hand no matter what the occasion! Again, it is within this list that you really become willing, creative, educated, knowledgeable and even passionate about what it is you're actually providing to loved ones, family, friends, relatives or simply by creating the first annual neighborhood BBQ.
1. Set a date.
-Remember - your first party should be close friends or family. 
-Invite your guests.

2. Research!
-Find out what your guests like/dislike, check for food allergies or dietary needs.
3. Determine what to make.
4. Shop.
5. Prepare everything.
6. Set your table.
7. Check the guidelines above.
8. Cook.
9. Serve.
10. Enjoy your guests!! Don't Miss This Step It Makes The Event! No matter whether it is a one on one romantic dinner or family get together - BE THERE CALMLY & ENJOY THEM!


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