Friday, October 5, 2012

Consumers' Buying-secret Revealed!

Consumer Behavior complements and consummates the application of "Marketing Concept" in every organization as a way of achieving overall corporate objectives. Consumers' experience has been widened by their exposure to competing products, rapid changes in technology, which result in regular availability of innovative products. The information-age consumers are ardent information processors that undergo a lot of internal and external considerations before and after purchasing a product or service. They set high expectations for any product or service to meet their present and future needs.

Marketers' success now anchors on the extent to which they understand and respond perfectly to the behavior of consumers. Marketers are compelled to search for new ideas, theories and principles from behavioral sciences like anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics. It has been found that a consumer involves consideration from these perspectives when making their purchase decisions. However, only a few part of these fields have so far been incorporated into consumer behavior. This relevant part includes topics on which practical researches have been conducted and validated.

For a marketer to penetrate the hearts of numerous prospects and consumers, to let them react positively to his products or service; understanding the behavior of consumers is unavoidable because the knowledge acquired about the consumers has an important role to play for the marketer 'success.


Professional marketers uses an understanding of consumer behavior to anticipate future behavior based on the implementation of specific marketing strategies. A knowledge of consumer behavior serves as a strong basis for the development of effective and efficient marketing strategy. A careful monitoring of Consumer Behavior in the competitive market enables the marketer to measure the success or failure of a specific marketing strategy. Marketer also uses knowledge of consumer behavior to segment their market.


Howard and Sheath (1980) have distinguished three types of buying decision behavior:
1.Routinised response behavior
2.Limited problem solving
3.Extensive problem solving

In buying a product or service, the buyer goes through a decision process consisting of problem recognition, information search and evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. The marketer's job is to understand the buyer's behavior at each stage and what influences the prospects and consumers.

Limited problem solving exists when the need is known, every information on the alternative means of solving the problem is also known and the decision maker has to make his decision within the given spectrum.
Extensive problem solving embraces greater uncertainty and there is risk that the final decision is wrongly made. Often the decision maker on his own has very little information on the items and may seek to update this from his friends or professionals. Article Source:


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